Hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech and everyyear apple comes out with a brand-new argument of phones and then gets rid of some of the other ones andtheir lineup has become kind of confusing because there’s a lot of different phones available andso i wanted to help you decide which one would be right for you in 2021 and here i haveevery single phone that they volunteer new on apple.com or in the apple accumulation today there areother phones of course but this is what they sell the others are not sold through apple anymoreand so we have the iphone se 2nd generation which comes in three shades which we have product redhere and then there’s also a white-hot and black with the iphone 10 r we get more emblazons and as you cansee here this is also the commodity red but it’s a slightly different shade than the se and it comesin other pigments as well along with the iphone 11 which is one of the more colorful telephones andthis one is the green color but there’s others as available as well then we have this year’siphones the iphone 12 mini which comes in quite a few hues as well this is the color blackand they have others as you can see here and then also the iphone 12. And the iphone 12 is verycolorful has the exact same dye accessibility as the iphone 12 mini and then the iphone 12 pro which this is the brand-new pacific off-color colouring and then the iphone 12 pro max and again they come inmultiple emblazons four different colours for the 12 pro and the 12 pro max and so each year applehas a new name of phones with some brand-new peculiarities but some of the older phones do pretty wellagainst the newer ones so i’m going to compare quite a few other things as well including camerasand race and the first thing is how they’re built now all of them are glass breast and back and youcan see there’s slight gaps with the pro patterns having a frosted back where everything elsehas a glossy back so they have glass front and back they all aid wireless blaming but theyhave different camera organizations as well as different body-build substances so the iphone se the iphone 10 rand the iphone 11 as well as the iphone 12 mini and 12 are all aluminum with glass breast and backhowever the iphone 12 pro and the 12 pro max have stainless steel on the outside edge insteadof aluminum so there’s a slightly different finish on them and they have you can see here oneis more shiny the stainless steel and then you have the aluminum which is more of a matte finishand so they’re different materials and they’re different heaviness as well so obviously the smallerphones will be lighter but as you get up to the stainless steel they’re much heavier so there’s adifferent force and if that’s a concern of course you would want to stick with the lighter telephones orif you don’t mind you can go with the larger ones now out of all these telephones they’re same inthe sense that they all have a method to open them that’s secure but the iphone sc is theonly one with touch id and currently it’s an easy way to unlock your telephone as we go like thatwe’ve had it for years and the telephone unlocks nonetheless there is no other larger phone that’scurrently available from apple that actually has touch id so you’ll have to use face id on allof the rest of the phones so this is your only option that’s brand-new now the there’s the iphone8 plus which was the last big stroke id phone that’s available but that’s what you have as faras opening now as far as price of course there’s some very big differences between this we go allthe way from 399 dollars at the starting price all the way to 1 49 at the exceedingly top fully loadedtop storage alternative invention of the 12 pro max so there’s a huge collection in between andbasically every year apple ratches down the cost by 100 on the iphone 11 since that’s nolonger new for example so they’ve brought it down 100 compared to the previous year now of course asyou can see every one of them has a different immensity flaunt we have everything from the larger bezelson the iphone se with 4.7 inches up to 6.7 inches on the 12 pro max so there’s a size display foreach one of you depending on which is most effective for you and what will fit in your pocket so they’reall good spectacles that acces and they all have decent answers in fact all of them are over3 00 pixels per inch despite many people saying that the iphone 10 r and the iphone 11 have subpardisplays i wouldn’t agree with that at all the colourings are very accurate the ending inclinations arevery good and you do have a little bit of maybe blurriness around the corner depending on who youask but that’s because the pixels actually change width to make this corner on an lcd most peoplewon’t see this especially if you have a case you won’t really see anything at all most people can’tsee it with their sees despite what the fuck is contemplate but you will get much better deeper blacks withsay the iphone 12 series phones that have oled showings they’re deeper pitch-blacks because they’reshutting off the pixels and they’re brighter as well so they’re very good that route but other thanthat you will see much deeper blacks on the oled presentation or the super retina xdr spectacle of theiphone 12 serials telephones you’ll have depth colors and extremely colourful colorings however with the lcds theyhave an advantage and i know not a lot of people mention this but it’s something that affects mepersonally and that’s called pwm the road apple controls the display brightness and every everyother manufacturer of oled exposes actually blinks the screen faster and slower to give youbrighter or less colors screens so you can’t physically see this with your eyes but it cancause eye strain and start beings to get headaches and not really want to use the phone or evencause them to feel nauseated or dizzy at times so these telephones the oled flaunt or super retina xdrdisplays are very good it’s at a very fast rate and doesn’t annoyance most people but it can bothersome people so if you’re very sensitive to light-footed or shimmering lights or anything like that youmay want to consider the lcd based spectacle as that will cause less eye striving over hour now whenit comes to the cameras the forward-facing cameras are all the same on the iphone 12 lines telephones infact there’s zero changes at all really from any of the 12 sequences forward facing cameras you’rereally not going to notice any difference they do 4k 60 and they all look great and i’ll show youthat in a moment likewise the phones on the left here go from worst to best so you’re going from a sevenmegapixel forward-facing camera on the iphone se that’s just okay and it gets a little bit betteras we go to the right so let me go ahead and indicate you some of the video from that so you can getan idea what the forward-facing video is like and since these are all the same i’ve combinedsome of them so we’re only going to take a look at four of the phones because these iphone 12 sequences phones are identical when it comes to that this is the forward-facing camera of the iphonese the iphone 10 r the iphone 11 and the iphone 12 serials phones all of the iphone 12 s this yearhave the exact same forward facing camera but if “youve had” the 12 mini and the 12 they only go up to3 0 formulates per second with hdr you can do 60 on the 12 pro and the 12 pro max so on the iphone seand 10 r you can only do 1080 p but on the 11 and 12 serials you can do 4k so here’s the microphonesfrom the iphone se then the microphone from the iphone 10 r the microphone from the iphone 11 andthen the iphone 12 successions phones let me know which one you think sounds best and regards best based onwhat it’s doing with the background and processing it with the neural locomotive in the comments belownow when it comes to the rear cameras of the phones they’re very different now you’ll seethat the iphone se and the iphone 10 r exclusively have one camera lens and these are actually very goodcameras but there’s only one lens available so if you’re into something say an ultra wide photo thatyou miss a more swelling deem of what you can see then you’re going to want to go with the iphone1 1 or 12 streaks as they have more than one lens as we go up to the 12 mini the 12 and the 12 pro well the 12 pro and the 12 pro max have three lenses so you get an additional telephotozoom lens in most cases the telephoto doesn’t really matter too much and i’ll show you that in acomparison in time a few moments but you can zoom in up to about 5x optically swiping into the sensor onthe 12 pro max and you get much better low-grade light on the iphone 12 pro max as it has a larger sensoroverall likewise compared to all of these the 12 pro and the 12 pro max have what’s called apple proraw where you can more finely define what you demand the photo to look like after you’ve taken itso it’s got more data in when it does the picture now when it comes to the 12 serials they have hdrvideo recording as well the 12 mini and the 12 pro both have up to 30 makes per second dolby visionhdr recording where the 12 pro max and 12 pro have 4k 60 hdr recording so these are the best when itcomes to video by far they have immense microphones but you still can record 4k on the other phonesas well so let’s go ahead and take a look at what some of the photos look like and some of thevideo was like from the back of these phones now one of the things i can’t show you since thisvideo is not recorded in hdr is what hdr looks like compared to regular i do have some separatehdr video so if you want to take a look at that what you’ll notice is on an iphone you’ll havevery bright shinings or very bright whites and very dark blacks and it ogles super vibrant very coolvery close to real life and it only looks great overall so hdr is something that i think is notoverrated but once you’ve seen it i think you’ll understand but you do need to see it first and sohdr is a big deal but you do need an hdr display to see it so if you have that ability definitelyget one of the brand-new phones that can record in hdr as it makes a huge difference now when it comes tothe overall rapidity of the phones there’s not as big-hearted of certain differences as you might think depending onthe task you’re doing you’ve got everything from the a12 bionic and the 10 r up to the a1 4 bionicin the iphone 12 serials telephones and anywhere from three to six gigabytes of ram depending on whichphone you’re talking about and each of them is very fast if we make the the slowest phonetechnically which is the 10 r as far as the processor is concerned and equate it with saythe iphone 12 pro max and open a game let’s see what we can do here so if we go into a game gota game now we’ll go into minecraft for example and i’ll show you how quickly it lades and whati think you’ll meet is that it’s very interesting that sometimes it lades faster on an older orslower cpu so we’ll give it exactly a moment to laden that’s not always the case but you will findthat from time to time so we’ll utter it a few moments and we’ll go ahead and smacked continue switch off the tone here and thenwe’ll strike continue thumped performance hit gambling and then we’ll wait for it precisely a moment since ihaven’t opened it on the 10 r in some time since reinstalling we’ll punch make organize new worldand then we’ll smacked create and you’ll see that it’s very fast on both we’ll give it a moment we’llhit follow advance and you’ll see that it’s still reasonably immediate on either one but again let’s give ita moment to continue to load and now it’s done on the 12 pro max sometimes when i run this test it’sdone much faster than that and it would already be loaded on some of the others sometimes it justdepends on what’s going on so as you can see here both of them are nice and fast they’re smoothwhen it comes to scrolling playing games merely doing day-to-day tasks you’re not going to noticea difference when is everything on the phone most of the time it’s going to be super fast no matterwhat you’re doing now one lane we can sort of test how fast it is when we framed it under an intensivetask is to use something like imovie to export a 4k video so what i’ll do is i’ll close all theapps that are running and then we’ll see how fast all of them can export now i have the same videoloaded on every single one of these i imported the video then i added the designation that route it wouldhave to re-render it all and you can see here it’s two minutes and 58 seconds long so what i haveis this video now ready to go and we’ll export it in 4k on all of these devices and then usethis other phone to step how fast it exports now this could be a little bit tricky i’m not surei can tap on share on all of these at the same time and also none of them have any other appsopen so as you can see here they’re all closed and nothing of them have any apps open so let’s go ahead and share these so now i’llgo ahead and made save video at the same time i’ll try and thumped them all at the same time oras close as i can see if we can do this and then smacked save and start we’ll save over here andthat’s about as good as we can get we’re about a second off on the 12 pro max and maybe the seso i’ll make them work through this we’ll see how quickly it runs and it should be pretty good onall of them so we’ll give it simply a moment here and you can see how close that was on all of themwe expected the iphone 12 streaks to finish firstly since they’re the most wonderful followed by the 11 the1 0r and the se the se and the 11 and 10 r were probably right about the same since i startedit a little bit later but i think you get the idea that they’re within a second of one anotherdoing a very intensive task and the heat of them is going to vary a little bit extremely the back ofthe iphone se is just ever so slightly warm to the touch the iphone 10 r is likewise a littlebit warm in this area now near the processor the iphone 11 let’s see if it’s warm at all the iphone 11 is a little warm but barely andthen let’s take a look at the iphone 12 mini there’s almost nothing different on the backthere the 12 maybe a little bit right here the 12 pro again right in here and the 12 pro maxi don’t feel certain differences so it just may be able to dissipate heat more easily so basicallythey’re all going to do very intensive exercises very well the advantage you get with the a14bionic cpu is really more of what it can do with the neural machine with augmented actuality applying thecamera to overlay different things you too have lidar where it can scan areas and use that cpu todo more plannings and things like that in auto focus so “youve had” some advantages there but unlessyou’re into ponderous video editing or photo editing you’re not going to see much of a differencebetween any of these and they’re all extremely usable there’s not really a problem there now onevery important aspect of getting through the working day with your phone is its battery so one thing youwant to keep in mind is each phone generated its length is going to have a different size battery in it sothe iphone se for example has the least amount of battery life at about four hours or so in my useand i’m talking about my use in general working all of these telephones for about a week or so at anygiven point in time employing similar apps so it could alternate for you but the iphone se i was gettingabout four or four and a half hours of screen on time with the iphone 10 r and the iphone 11 aboutseven to eight hours they’re very close the 11 is technically a little bit better but i foundthem to be very similar seven to eight with the iphone 12 mini i was only getting about five soit really depends on how you use it of course with the iphone 12 and the 12 pro i find they get abouta half an hour divergence in battery life in fact the 12 pro for example got a half hour less for meso about five and a half to six hours with the 12 about five to five and a half hours with the 12 pro the 12 pro max about 10 to 12 hours of screen on time so the pro max is going to have the bestbattery it has the largest battery and that’s why it can actually last a little bit longer sodepending on the size the mini is a great size for a lot of people but the artillery is just goingto suffer a little bit from its overall sizing but it’s better than the se for example now whenit comes to reception this is something that’s very important as you’re on the internet with itor you’re put a phone call and the iphone 12 lines telephones have qualcomm modems where theothers have intel modems the intel modems are not as good they’re not as fast because theydon’t have 5g which i’ll talk about in a moment but the sc the 10 r and the 11 all have intelmodems which numerous beings had problems linked to over meter with dropping calls and things like thatapple has all along been switched back to qualcomm after resolving some the conflicts and now all the iphone1 2 lines telephones have qualcomm modems in their own homes they have better connectivity they have 5g and5g millimeter millimeter wave if you’re in the united states 5g can be very fast but it also canbe slow depending on your coverage where i live i find that it’s doubled the rush of 4g but that’snot true for everyone so depending on where you live depends on your 5g coverage overall and thequality of that 5g i find that it’s not a big deal i wouldn’t buy a phone simply to have 5g i wouldbuy it because it’s an upcoming technology but it’s not a reason to go out and run out and buyone of these but you will have better receipt at least in my experience i haven’t droppeda single call on any of the iphone 12 lines now when it comes to the speakers overall thespeakers are all about the same but as you get to the newer phones they seem to be a little bitlouder and clearer so they’re all pretty good no controversies there they both have stereo sound but againas you get to the newer phones it’s going to announce a little bit better now the ip rating or waterand dust opposition is different on all of them as well with the iphone se the iphone 10 r and theiphone 11 you have different ratings of ip67 all the way up to ip68 so with the se ip67 for upto one meter of water for 30 minutes up to the newest 12 lines telephones which all have ip6 8 sixmeters for up to 30 instants so they can withstand more sea intrusion either way though if youdo have water damage apple will not cover this so preserve that in recollection that’s going to affectyour obtain maybe i was only keep a waterproof occasion on it if you plan to bring it in the ocean orswimming in a kitty or something along those lines now every phone here has wireless billing theyall funding qi wireless accusing but the iphone 12 streaks phones are supportive of fast wirelesscharging with magsafe they have a magnet ring in the back of them that not only props this chargerin place but admits up to 15 watts fast blaming it’s not a super fast charger but it is fasterthan if you were applying a regular qi wireless charger there’s also accessories that it workswith as well maybe magnet purchasers for your car that’s just built into the back of it sosomething you can use that’s a little bit nice and i think we’ll hear more supplementaries in thefuture nonetheless all of the other telephones carry wireless accusing and brace fast blaming so ifyou’re using a regular lightning port with them you can charge 50 percent in 30 hours on everysingle one of them and then it will slow down from there and then finish bill based on thespeed and the overall size of the battery so that is all nice and fast on all of them and allpretty much equal across the board on all of them the wireless mag safe is the only differencewith the newer ones and so that guides me to which one should you choose which one’s right for youwell it depends on the size and budget of course so if you think that the iphone 12 pro and 12 promax are worth double that of say the iphone 10 r for example based on the cameras being thatmuch better and the different video options and the larger battery life well then go forthe more expensive one nonetheles if you’re more fund focused then i would look towardeither the se if you really like touch id or the 10 r or 11. Personally i would go for the 11 at this spot seeing that it has the dual cameras in the back technically it gets a little bit morebattery life not a whole lot in my own experience but a little bit and in general i think it’s agreat phone and all of them will get updates for years to come apple seemingly is givingup to about six years of modernizes at this moment on some telephones so you’ll be using them for yearsto come at least three more years on pretty much all of them based off of that so i really wouldn’tworry about that you’ll have five to six years of coverage on the iphone 12 sequences with ios updatesso they’re all very good telephones and hopefully this helped you decide which one would work best foryou if you’re picking up a new telephone or maybe you just got one let me know in the comments belowwhat you decided to go with also if you’d like to get your hands on this wallpaper of course i’lllink it in the specific characteristics like i ordinarily do if you haven’t agreed once thoughplease subscribe and if you experienced the video being given it a like as always thanks forwatching this is Aaron i’ll see you next time
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